Clubs & Societies

Empowering children with creative expression and life skills is an indispensable part of education. The varied range of Clubs and Societies at The Sagar School emphasises the amalgamation of theory with practical, ideas with execution, composition and delivery culminating into a cohesive experience and expression of self in a child to become a whole entity.

Various club activities are organised within the school, offering students numerous opportunities to showcase their talents. The school operates block-specific clubs and activities, tailoring experiences to meet the diverse interests and needs of Sagarians.

This model encourages students to adapt to group life, develop good habits, and foster a spirit of volunteerism. These Clubs and Activities are designed to complement the academic curriculum, providing students with practical training essential for everyday life.

Additionally, The Sagar School supports student involvement in Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW), which is a mandatory part of the Council curriculum. Through SUPW, students engage in meaningful activities that not only enhance their skills but also contribute positively to the community. This comprehensive approach ensures that almost all students participate in some form of activity, reinforcing the school's commitment to holistic education.

Astronomy Club

Astronomy Club

Business Club

Business Club

Chess Club

Chess Club

Dance Club

Dance Club

Editorial Club

Editorial Club

Fabric Painting / Art Club

Painting / Art Club

Music Club

Music Club

Nature Club

Nature Club

Photography Club

Photography Club

Theatre Club

Theatre Club